At 3ten we start with the basics: Understanding the “why”, earning trust and be a partner. One of the ways we accomplish these basics is through “community involvement”. Read the other nine.
Giving back.
Currently I sit on the Board for the Girl Scouts of the Heartland. I also utilize my skillset on their property committee. I give back because I believe full hearted in their mission: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. The property committee began to study the option of adding a shooting range to the Starwoods camp. Once we figured out the what and where we went to work on how. This was an opportunity to utilize our talents and skillsets for the improvement of our community. Because of our mission for their mission architectural service were donated to the project.
You deserve your project.
We often get asked what we “specialize” in which my answer is always “your project”. This means we listen to your needs and provide a solution to your problem. Therefore, no repeats here we don’t provide cookie cutter solutions. We worked diligently to provide the Girl Scouts a pavilion that they would be proud of for a long time to come. This was our first shooting range to date. Hence we listened closely to those involved and researched in depth the latest trends and requirements for a safe facility. Each project deserves their own personal attention. Although we have experience with certain types of projects each project, each owner comes with their own unique set of challenges. Uncovering those challenges and working diligently on their solution provides for an optimal solution. As an example of this passion the team gave the Girl Scouts a facility to be proud of. A facility that will stand for generations to come. A facility that will be come a sense of pride for the camp.
Discover your passion.
We are architects and designers and we love to support those who support our community. Everyone deserves access to good design. While it is good to write a check I encourage you to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. Go spend time with those you wish to help. I challenge you to take your skill set and offer it to a local non-profit. Which should you choose? Examine your heart and figure out what makes it break then go find those who are helping to fix that issue. Remember, you don’t need to invent a solution. Odds are there is someone already out there helping, come alongside them and offer your skillset. Our community needs you, needs your special set of skills.