(your name here) architecture firm

Written by: Chad Glenn

Are you ready to have your own architecture firm?

Tired of running a great project and all you get is a pat on the back?

Do you wonder where all those fees are going?  They obviously aren’t going to you.

Shouldn’t you be compensated for your hard work?

Are you worried about going it alone?

Take charge of your destiny.  Run your own projects and reap the rewards.  Get the support you need. Free up your time to do what you do best.  Work the hours you want.  Go after the projects you want.  Let us worry about all the back of house stuff.

Come to 3ten and become an architect agent.  A what?  Not sure exactly what to call it but here is the concept:

Why? Architects deserve to be directly rewarded for their talents.  To be given the opportunity to run their own business without “running” the business.  Having your own firm is scary, I know I have been there, it took me way too long to actually pull the trigger.  Let us help you pull that trigger and give you the power to be you.

What? 3ten architecture is a commission based business.  This model provides independent architects the resources and support to run their own business.

How? We eliminate the start up cost.  We provide office space with other like minded professionals.  We offer business support.  Above all we give you the freedom to run your business and allow you to reap the rewards.

Sure going out on your own sounds exciting and trust me it is.  Gut wrenching, hair pulling, fist pumping, heart pounding, tearful, rewarding roller coaster ride.  The question is what are you good at?  Where is your time best rewarded?  Invoicing? Book keeping? I.T.? Office up keep? or architecture?  Do what you do best and let us do the rest.  (ooooohhh I like that, I may have just found our new jingle, anybody play guitar?)

What is your time worth?  I have been running 3ten for the last five years and when I break down my time it looks something like this:

That is about 40% of my time on actual billable hours.  Which means I need to work twice as hard to make what I should be making.

Now under the agent model your time will look something more similar to this:

Giving you the ability to have your own firm while you can also focus on what you are good at.

3ten Architecture agent perks:

-Marketing assistance and training, including annual review of plan.

-Marketing material including but not limited to: website, business cards, company resumes, marketing brochures, pens, hats, shirts, jackets, cute little tiny tape measures, etc.

-Membership to trade and marketing organizations.

-Top notch computer hardware and the latest programs including i.t. support.

-E/O insurance, general liability insurance.

-Accounting, book keeping and invoicing.

-Standard forms and documents.

-Drafting, graphic design and administration services.

-Office space including desk, chair, conference space, kitchen, office supplies, printers and coffee, lots and lots of coffee.

-Established brand recognition.

-Client piece of mind for larger projects as you will not longer be viewed as a sole practitioner as you have an entire team behind you.

-Team atmosphere to facilitate collaboration, concept verification and detail assistance.

Ready to learn more?  Email me directly chad@3ten.co or call our office and lets set up a time to grab a coffee and take control of your future.


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