Chelsea DeLay

Growing up, I was intrigued with both residential and commercial structures. At the age of four, my fondness for architecture and design became increasingly evident when my parents decided to build the home I grew up in. During the initial design phase and during construction, I insisted on helping my mom draw the floorplan, wanted […]

Justin Parks

I like history, specifically antiquities. I’m not a big collector, but I admire people who have the eye and energy to collect and preserve the past. I believe we can only be successful moving forward if we consistently look back, and this shows in my work. I focus a lot of time researching art and […]

Brian Stimatze

Architecture has been a part of my life since childhood. What started as a 3rd grade book report became the conduit to my life’s dream. From then on, I was intrigued by the concept of connecting different materials together to construct a structure suitable for human habitation. This passion was solidified when I heard architect […]

Chad Glenn

As a kid, I started into architecture thinking how exciting it would be to sit behind my desk and draw all day long. Upon graduation and entering into the work force, I soon came to realize it was much more than that. I found what I truly enjoy; relationships. As architects, we are the glue […]

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